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The Forty&#8211;Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing will be held from Wednesday, September 26 through Friday, September 28, 2007, at Allerton House, the conference center of the University of Illinois&#046; Allerton House is located twenty&#8211;six miles southwest of the Urbana&#8211;Champaign campus of the University in a wooded area on the Sangamon River&#046; It is part of the fifteen&#8211;hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of natural and man&#8211;made beauty designated as a National natural landmark&#046; Allerton Park has twenty miles of well&#8211;maintained trails and a living gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of communication systems, communication and computer networks, detection and estimation theory, information theory, error control coding, source coding and data compression, queueing networks, control systems, robust and nonlinear control, adaptive control, optimization, dynamic games, large&#8211; scale systems, robotics and automation, manufacturing systems, discrete event systems, intelligent control, multivariable control, computer vision&#8211;based control, learning theory, neural networks, VLSI architectures for communications and signal processing, and automated highway systems&#046;<br>