Beyond information interoperability, cooperation between systems should be possible, i.e. different systems should be able to provide each other with context–aware services, enabling the emergence of a set of higher level services. In this context, the emerging idea of systems of systems puts the emphasis on the need for new system engineering methods taking cooperation into account.<br>The classical approach of software and system design, based on the paradigm of well–known and fixed environment and user community should evolve towards new methods taking into account the ability to interoperation. New approaches such as collaborative systems, agent–based systems or ambient information environments have to be developed.<br>With regard to the above trend, software and systems processes, methods, architecture models, and tools ineluctably require novel approaches adapted to interoperability. Assuredly, this concerns system global life cycle, particularly requirements engineering, designing as well as testing and validating software & systems.<br><b>Keywords:</b> – Software & systems architecture: service orientation, composition of Web services, interoperability, model–based architectures, orchestration, inter–organizational process management, urbanization & enterprise architecture, enterprise models integration, application coupling and uncoupling, evolution, non–functional features, agents & Web intelligence, mobile and adaptive applications...<br>– Requirements & specification engineering: modeling, prototyping, animation, simulation, scenario–based analysis, aspect–oriented modeling, goal–directed approaches, formal methods, multifaceted reasoning, approaches based on natural language processing, V&V...<br>– Software variability: specifications, configuration and reconfiguration (automated, on–line, guided by desired features), adaptive systems, agent modeling, variant creation mechanisms, product lines and families, impact on development and validation processes...<br>– Components & reuse: frameworks, components, COTS, product lines, composition mechanisms, customizing, distributed components, interoperability between frameworks, MDA and MDE, generative development, variant creation, generic programming, aspect orientation, archiving & retrieval, distribution, reuse & Internet, testing in the presence of third party components, validation, certification...<br>– Internet software and systems engineering: Web services, Web–based tools and methods or conversely, software & systems engineering tools and methods for Web–based applications and systems: architecture, design, testing, assessment (complexity, reliability, integrity, maintainability, performances, quality, scalability...)<br>– Process engineering: evaluation, improvement, approaches, agile processes, extreme programming, co–design, concurrent engineering, workflow management, distributed development, virtual teams, experience feedback, knowledge management...<br>– Project management: cost and delay estimation, indicators & dashboards, experience feedback, risk management, value analysis, customer–contractor relationship management…<br>– Quality control & assurance: V & V, testing, conformance testing, metrics, reliability, assessing non–functional characteristics (dependability, usability...), assessing customer satisfaction...<br>
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