The field of information systems analysis and design includes numerous modeling methods and notations (e.g. ER, ORM, UML, DFDs, BPMN, EPC), that are typically evolving. Even with some attempts to standardize, new modeling methods are constantly being introduced, many of which differ only marginally from existing approaches. These ongoing changes significantly impact the way information systems are being analyzed and designed in practice.<br>This workshop focuses on exploring, evaluating, and enhancing current information modeling techniques, methods and methodologies. Though the need for such studies is well recognized, there is a paucity of such research in the literature. The objective of EMMSAD′07 is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in modeling methods in systems analysis and design to meet, and exchange research ideas and results. It also provides the participants an opportunity to present their research papers and experience reports, and to take part in open discussions. EMMSAD′07 is the twelfth in a very successful series of EMMSAD workshops, previously held in Heraklion, Barcelona, Pisa, Heidelberg, Stockholm, Interlaken, Toronto, Velden, Riga, Porto and Luxembourg.<br>This workshop will provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share and discuss research methodologies and results.<br><b>Keywords:</b> theoretical, empirical or case–based exploration, evaluation, and enhancement of modeling techniques, methods and methodologies<br>
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