Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers up to 8 pages in length, describing original, unpublished recent work&#046; Clearly describe the nature of the work, explain its significance, highlight novel features, and describe its current status&#046; Electronic submission through the workshop website is required&#046;<br>Authors of the best papers will be invited by the Program Chairs to resubmit extended versions of their work for publication in a special section on Application Specific Processors of the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (scheduled for the 3rd Quarter 2008)&#046; Additionally, all papers accepted to WASP&#8242;07 will have the opportunity to be web&#8211;published on a dedicated website&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> * Domain&#8211;specific processors (Network, multimedia, etc&#046;) * Application&#8211;specific hardware accelerators * Microarchitectural customization techniques * (Re)configurable processor architectures * Dynamically reconfigurable processors (Microarchitectural, Coarse&#8211;grained, FPGA, etc&#046;) * Application&#8211;specific processors in System&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;chip (SOC) * Application&#8211;specific customizations for low&#8211;power * Compiler techniques for processor customizations * OS and Middleware support for application&#8211;specific processors<br>