The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers up to 8 pages in length, describing original, unpublished recent work. Clearly describe the nature of the work, explain its significance, highlight novel features, and describe its current status. Electronic submission through the workshop website is required.<br>Authors of the best papers will be invited by the Program Chairs to resubmit extended versions of their work for publication in a special section on Application Specific Processors of the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (scheduled for the 3rd Quarter 2008). Additionally, all papers accepted to WASP′07 will have the opportunity to be web–published on a dedicated website.<br><b>Keywords:</b> * Domain–specific processors (Network, multimedia, etc.) * Application–specific hardware accelerators * Microarchitectural customization techniques * (Re)configurable processor architectures * Dynamically reconfigurable processors (Microarchitectural, Coarse–grained, FPGA, etc.) * Application–specific processors in System–on–a–chip (SOC) * Application–specific customizations for low–power * Compiler techniques for processor customizations * OS and Middleware support for application–specific processors<br>
Deadline Paper
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End Date