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The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2007), with associated SCAM and WSE will be held October 2&#8211;5, 2007 in Paris, France&#046; We invite Research Papers, Industrial Applications, Tool Demonstrations, Dissertation Synopses, and Working Sessions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> # Methods and theories # Organizational frameworks # Design for maintenance # Internet and distributed systems # User interface evolution # Third party maintenance # Program comprehension # Knowledge based systems # Impact of new software practices # Software reusability # Source code analysis and manipulation # Models and methods for error prediction # Maintenance and/or productivity metrics # Personnel aspects of maintenance # Version and configuration management # Management and organization # Processes and strategies # Life cycle and process control # Tools and environments Multimedia systems # Commercial off&#8211;the&#8211;shelf (COTS) # Freeware and open source applications # Software and system visualization # Formal methods # Empirical studies # Programming languages # Testing and regression testing # Measurement of software # Preventive maintenance # Reengineering and reverse engineering # Legal aspects and standards