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The EDOC Conference is the key annual event in enterprise computing&#046; EDOC conferences address the full range of engineering technologies and methods contributing to enterprise distributed application systems&#046; EDOC 2007 will be the eleventh event in the series of conferences, which since 1997 has brought together leading computer science researchers, IT decision makers, IT architects, solution designers and practitioners from academia, industry and government to discuss enterprise computing challenges, models and solutions&#046; Today the creation, operation and evolution of enterprise computing systems comprises challenges that range from high&#8211;level requirements and policy modeling to the deployment and maintenance of solutions in and across customer businesses&#046; Enterprise computing is based on a wide (and ever growing) range of methods, models, tools and technologies&#046; The resulting applications also cover a broad spectrum of vertical domains and industry segments, from electronic and mobile commerce to real&#8211;time&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> Enterprise applications architecture<br>State of the art in distributed enterprise applications<br>Enterprise applications management<br>Inter&#8211;Enterprise collaboration and its architecture<br>Service oriented architectures (SOA) and enterprise service architectures (ESA)<br>Business process management (BPM) Systems<br>Business Rules<br>Identity Management and Distributed Access Control<br>Information Integration and Interoperability<br>