Fortaleza, Ceará
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For the past twenty&#8211;two years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world&#046; SAC 2008 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is hosted by the University of Fortaleza and the Federal University of Ceará, in Brazil&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> 1&#046; AC Autonomic Computing 2&#046; ACS Advances in Computer Simulation 3&#046; AISA Artificial Intelligence in Space Applications 4&#046; APSLA Agent&#8211;oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications 5&#046; ASIIS Advances in Spatial and Image&#8211;Based Information Systems 6&#046; ATOS Adaptive Techniques in Operating Systems 7&#046; BIO Bioinformatics 8&#046; CAHC Computer Applications in Health Care 9&#046; CF Computer Forensics 10&#046; CISIA Computational Logic and Computational Intelligence in Signal and Image Analysis 11&#046; CM Coordination Models, Languages and Applications 12&#046; CN Computer Networks 13&#046; CSP Constraint Satisfaction and Programming 14&#046; DADS Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems 15&#046; DE Document Engineering 16&#046; DM Data Mining 17&#046; DS Data Streams 18&#046; DTTA Database Theory, Technology, and Applications 19&#046; EBA e&#8211;Business Applications 20&#046; EC Applications of Evolutionary Computation 21&#046; EIS Enterprise Information Systems 22&#046; ELSDS Engineering Large&#8211;Scale Distributed Systems 23&#046; EMBS Embedded Systems: Applications, Solutions, and Techniques 24&#046; GCR Geometric Computing and Reasoning 25&#046; IAR Information Access and Retrieval 26&#046; MAS Mobile Agents and Systems 27&#046; MCA Mobile Computing and Applications 28&#046; ME Middleware Engineering 29&#046; MMV Multimedia and Visualization 30&#046; NLSP Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition 31&#046; OE Organizational Engineering 32&#046; OOPS Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems 33&#046; PL Programming Languages 34&#046; PSC Programming for Separation of Concerns 35&#046; RE Requirement Engineering 36&#046; RHSES Robotics: Hardware, Software, and Embedded Systems 37&#046; RTS Real&#8211;Time Systems 38&#046; SE Software Engineering 39&#046; SEC Computer Security 40&#046; SOPDS Self Organization in Pervasive Distributed Systems 41&#046; SV Software Verification 42&#046; SWA The Semantic Web and Applications 43&#046; TRECK Trust, Recommendations, Evidence and other Collaboration Know&#8211;how 44&#046; UC Ubiquitous Computing 45&#046; WT Web Technologies