For the past twenty–two years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2008 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is hosted by the University of Fortaleza and the Federal University of Ceará, in Brazil. <b>Keywords:</b> 1. AC Autonomic Computing 2. ACS Advances in Computer Simulation 3. AISA Artificial Intelligence in Space Applications 4. APSLA Agent–oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications 5. ASIIS Advances in Spatial and Image–Based Information Systems 6. ATOS Adaptive Techniques in Operating Systems 7. BIO Bioinformatics 8. CAHC Computer Applications in Health Care 9. CF Computer Forensics 10. CISIA Computational Logic and Computational Intelligence in Signal and Image Analysis 11. CM Coordination Models, Languages and Applications 12. CN Computer Networks 13. CSP Constraint Satisfaction and Programming 14. DADS Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems 15. DE Document Engineering 16. DM Data Mining 17. DS Data Streams 18. DTTA Database Theory, Technology, and Applications 19. EBA e–Business Applications 20. EC Applications of Evolutionary Computation 21. EIS Enterprise Information Systems 22. ELSDS Engineering Large–Scale Distributed Systems 23. EMBS Embedded Systems: Applications, Solutions, and Techniques 24. GCR Geometric Computing and Reasoning 25. IAR Information Access and Retrieval 26. MAS Mobile Agents and Systems 27. MCA Mobile Computing and Applications 28. ME Middleware Engineering 29. MMV Multimedia and Visualization 30. NLSP Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition 31. OE Organizational Engineering 32. OOPS Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems 33. PL Programming Languages 34. PSC Programming for Separation of Concerns 35. RE Requirement Engineering 36. RHSES Robotics: Hardware, Software, and Embedded Systems 37. RTS Real–Time Systems 38. SE Software Engineering 39. SEC Computer Security 40. SOPDS Self Organization in Pervasive Distributed Systems 41. SV Software Verification 42. SWA The Semantic Web and Applications 43. TRECK Trust, Recommendations, Evidence and other Collaboration Know–how 44. UC Ubiquitous Computing 45. WT Web Technologies
Fortaleza, Ceará
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