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CAiSE&#8242;08 will bring together practitioners and researchers in the field of information systems engineering&#046; CAiSE&#8242;08 invites submissions on the development, maintenance, procurement and usage of information systems&#046; This year&#8242;s special theme is &#8243;Sustainable Information Systems&#8243; (SIS) that we define as information systems with built&#8211;in support for evolution&#046; Information systems are growing rapidly in scale and complexity&#046; On the other hand, information system evolution is a fact in organisation&#8242;s life&#046; Furthermore, in some contexts, one is in a process of continuous evolution&#046; For example, in requirements engineering, the requirements coming from mobile users change every minute&#046; SIS systems should easily allow the alignment between IS and enterprise requirements and the assimilation of new technologies&#046; Furthermore, the proposed approaches should reduce the failure rate in IS development and allow for the definition of quality &amp; maturity for IS development&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Architectures, models, agents and methods for SIS<br>Architectures for self&#8211;managing information systems<br>Semantic Web SIS<br>Ontology and interoperable SIS<br>Cognitive, business, social and requirement models for SIS<br>Secure and trusted SIS<br>Agile SIS, SIS evolution<br>Reconfigurable SIS<br>Reverse engineering to produce SIS<br>Networked and virtual organizations<br>