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International Conference on IP Multimedia Subsystems Architecture and Applications(IMSAA&#8211;2007) is jointly organized by International Institute of Information Technology&#8211;Bangalore(iiit&#8211;b) and IEEE Bangalore Section&#046; This conference also been co&#8211;sponsored by leading MNCs working in the areas of Telecommunication&#046; The conference would focus on different areas of research and development in IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)&#046; iiit&#8211;b is a technical graduate university in the heart of the Silicon Valley of India which houses more than 1500 IT companies all around&#046;<br>The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is an exciting attempt at defining a uniform services control layer for next&#8211;generation telecommunication networks, and is attracting increased interest from telecom providers and carriers across the world&#046; In particular, IMS is core to the vision of converged services, and aims to provide the same set of features and multimedia services across a variety of access networks, such as 3G, cable and 802&#046;11 hotspots, with appropriate charging and access control&#046; IMS is also touted as the vehicle for offering a variety of exciting new services, such as IPTV, multimedia conferencing and multiplayer gaming, as well as a means to enable seamless communication across enterprise and provider networks through integration with other technologies (such as Web 2&#046;0)&#046;<br>The IMSAA 2007 technical program committee is soliciting papers addressing the research challenges and advances towards a world of converged and intelligent services, based on novel applications and extensions to the IMS framework&#046; Papers must present original and previously unpublished work, validated by experimentation, simulation, or analysis&#046; Practical experiences and experimental efforts, including submissions from industry, including both telecom providers and device vendors, addressing both successes and limitations with IMS, are particularly welcome&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to as mentioned on &#8243;Call for Paper&#8243; page&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * Architectures and Runtimes for IMS Elements<br>o Application Server Architectures and Converged Containers o Architectures for Rich and Scalable Presence o Service Mediation and Billing Platforms<br>* IMS Core Services<br>o Real&#8211;time Service Support: (voice, video calls, multimedia conferencing, multiplayer gaming) o Content/Context&#8211;aware services: (Location, presence, social and community context) o Service Creation Environments (IMS, SCIM, Service Delivery Platforms, Integrated environments)<br>* Device, Subscriber, Service and Network Management<br>o Provisioning and management (Handsets, PDA&#8242;s, Set top Box, Home Gateway) o Subscriber and User Profile Management o Managing the quality of the user experience (QoE, QoS) o End to end Performance Measurement and modeling (signaling, media, services)<br>* Operator Network Planning<br>o Routing and Load Balancing o Redundancy and Fault Tolerance o MVNO Operations and Support<br>* Novel IMS&#8211;based Applications<br>o Gaming and mixed&#8211;reality o Environmental and Sensor Monitoring o Multimedia Content Sharing o Converged IN o Converged Home Network o IPTV over IMS<br>* Security, Identity Management and Privacy<br>o Privacy and Security in Composite Applications o Privacy in LBS<br>* IMS and Alternative Technologies<br>o P2P and IMS (VoIP, Instant Messaging, Gaming) o Integrating IMS and Web2&#046;0 services (Mashups, Rich Internet Applications) o User&#8211;generated Services and Content<br>* Case Studies and Status of IMS deployment<br>o Interoperability Testing o IMS Support in Vendor Products o Benchmarking IMS Services and Applications<br>* Testbeds and Software Tools<br>o Service Test and Validation Platforms o Open Source Initiatives o Benchmarking IMS Services and Applications<br>* IMS Clients and Devices<br>o IMS&#8211;aware consumer devices o Media/communication platforms<br>