THE THIRD International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE (COMSWARE) will be held in Bangalore, India in January 2008 following the successful first and second COMSWARE. COMSWARE is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing emerging topics and challenges in Communications Software. The goal of the conference is to create a world–class gathering of researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, business leaders, intellectual property experts and venture capitalists, providing a launch pad for new innovative business and technology. The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting of regular papers, short papers, and posters as well as specialized tracks at the intersection of business and technology. Focused workshops, tutorials and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to allow for a lively exchange of ideas. <b>Keywords:</b> Network–based applications (VoIP, instant messaging, p2p, streaming, location–based service)<br>Wireless/mobile networking (3G/4G, WLANs/WPANs/WMANs, mesh/relay networks, sensor networks)<br>Software advances in wireless communications (cognitive radios, dynamic spectrum access, SDR)<br>Wireless operating systems and mobile platforms<br>Security in communication networks<br>Grid computing software<br>Storage area networks<br>Next generation web architectures<br>Advances in Internet architecture and protocols<br>Innovations in operations and management of large networks<br>Vehicular Telematics<br>NextGen Business Models in Communication<br>
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