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The 9th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN 2008, formerly known as IWDC (International Workshop on Distributed Computing), will be held during January 5&#8211;8, 2008 in Kolkata, India&#046; The conference is being organized by Dept&#046; of Computer Science & Engineering, Jadavpur University&#046; Over the years, IWDC has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest research results in distributed computing and networks&#046; In keeping with the growing number of papers in the area of networking in the recent IWDCs, the workshop has been renamed as ICDCN from 2006&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Distributed Computing Track<br>1&#046; Communication and Synchronization Protocols<br>2&#046; Distributed Algorithms and Architectures, their Analysis and Complexity<br>3&#046; Distributed Operating Systems, Middleware, Databases<br>4&#046; Experiments and Performance Measurements in Distributed Systems<br>5&#046; Fault&#8211;tolerance and Self&#8211;stabilization<br>6&#046; High Performance, Cluster and Grid Computing<br>7&#046; Mutiprocessor and Multicore Architectures and Algorithms<br>8&#046; Security in Distributed Systems<br>9&#046; Shared and Transactional Memory, Concurrent Programming<br>10&#046; Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems<br>Networking Track<br>1&#046; Wireless Networks &#8211; Cellular, Ad hoc, Wireless LANs<br>2&#046; Sensor Networks<br>3&#046; Mobile, Pervasive and Autonomic Computing<br>4&#046; Optical, Overlay and Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Networks<br>5&#046; Integration of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wireline Networks<br>6&#046; Internetworking Protocols and Internet Applications<br>7&#046; Network Reliability, Security and Privacy<br>8&#046; Resource Management and Quality of Service<br>9&#046; Performance Modeling and Evaluation<br>10&#046; Traffic Engineering, Pricing, Capacity Planning and Network Management<br>