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This 8th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF 2008) continues to be the only conference devoted to Si&#8211;based devices, passives, integrated circuits, and applications for high&#8211;frequency systems&#046; Over three days, papers and sessions will highlight the significant technological advances of this dynamic field, as well as provide a unique forum for the presentation of new ideas and candid exchange on the emerging challenges and opportunities&#046; Invited tutorial talks from international experts will be presented in key topical areas&#046; SiRF is part of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), which also includes Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS) and the Power Amplifier Symposium (PAS)&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> • Materials: epitaxial growth, strain engineering, characterization methods, stability issues, defectsv<br>• Devices: physics, optimization, and scaling limits of SiGe HBTs, RF&#8211;CMOS, SOI CMOS, strained&#8211;Si CMOS, SiGe MOSFETs, Si&#8211;based MODFETs, diodes that are applicable to RF, microwave, and millimeter&#8211;wave circuits and systems<br>• IC Technologies: novel device structures, SiGe HBT and CMOS integration issues, heterogeneously integrated devices and circuits, interconnects, fabrication on high&#8211;resistivity Si and SOI, packaging issues<br>• Circuits: RF, microwave, and mm&#8211;wave building blocks (LNA, mixer, VCO, PA, switches, filters), integrated transceivers, high&#8211;speed DAC and ADC, integrated transponders, analog/mixed&#8211;signal circuit blocks<br>• Passives: inductors, capacitors, thin film resistors, transmission lines, integrated antennae, transformers<br>• MEMS: RF MEMS, micro&#8211;machining for improved passives, integration with Si&#8211;based circuits and systems, FBARs<br>• Reliability Issues: yield and reliability concerns in high&#8211;frequency Si&#8211;based devices, passives and circuits, digital/RF circuit integration challenges, signal isolation issues, interference, substrate noise, RF impedance mismatch robustness, cooling architecture for devices and circuits<br>• Measurement and Modeling: compact modeling of Si&#8211;based transistors, robust measurement and de&#8211;embedding techniques, methods of built&#8211;in&#8211;self&#8211;test and built&#8211;in&#8211;self&#8211;calibration, models to correlate high&#8211;frequency parameters with easy&#8211;to&#8211;measure DC/AC parameters<br>• Applications: system&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;chip (SoC) and system&#8211;in&#8211;a&#8211;package (SiP) solutions utilizing the low&#8211;cost and high&#8211;level integration advantages of Si technology for RF, microwave, and mm&#8211;wave sub&#8211;systems and systems, integration of Si&#8211;based photonic elements with electronic circuits<br>• Emerging Technologies: Nano, quantum, optical, and THz technology devices and circuits<br>