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SPL is the austral meeting point for researchers interested on FPGA technology&#046; The 4th SPL continues the tradition of the previous editions and will be hosted by the INVAP SE , Bariloche, Argentine Patagonia, from March 26&#8211;28, 2008&#046; <BR>SPL 2008 organization is pleasured to announce the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CAS) technical co&#8211;sponsorship&#046; Accepted papers will appear in the IEEE Xplore electronic library, which provides excellent visibility and accessibility to its contents&#046; <BR>The conference takes place in beautiful San Carlos de Bariloche, a 100 thousand inhabitants city in the province of Río Negro, Argentine Patagonia, situated on the foothills of the Andes&#046; Surrounded by lakes and mountains, it is famous for skiing but also great for sight&#8211;seeing, water sports, trekking and climbing &#046; <BR><B>Keywords:</B> Design Methodology <BR>Low&#8211;Power Design; High&#8211;speed Techniques; Physical Design; Synchronization and Seft&#8211;timed Systems; Dynamic and run&#8211;time reconfiguration; Reconfigurable embedded systems; Field&#8211;programmable analogue arrays; Interconnects and NoCs <BR>FPGA in Education <BR>Roadmap of programmable logic; Teaching reconfigurable systems; History and surveys of programmable logic; Emerging device technologies; Tutorials <BR>Platform&#8211;based Design <BR>Embedded Processors; Custom Computers; IP Cores; Java, Handel&#8211;C, System&#8211;C <BR>Applications <BR>Robotics&#8242; Artificial vision; Communications/networking/cryptography; Bioinformatics; Application acceleration; Evolvable and bio&#8211;inspired applications; Rapid prototyping <BR>Signal Processing <BR>Computer Arithmetics; Custom DSPs; Digital Signal Processing; Software Radio <BR>EDA Tools <BR>Logic and Architectural; Synthesis; Modelling and Simulation; Emulation; Formal Methods in System Design ; CAD for reconfigurable architectures; System&#8211;level design methods ; Testing, verification and benchmarking; Hardware/software co&#8211;design <BR>Computer Arithmetics<BR>Custom DSPs<BR>Digital Signal Processing<BR>Software Radio <BR>EDA Tools Logic and Architectural<BR>Synthesis<BR>Modelling and Simulation<BR>Emulation<BR>Optimization<BR>Technology mapping<BR>System&#8211;level partitioning<BR>Formal Methods in System Design<BR>