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The Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI ’08) will be held May 14&#8211;17, 2008 in Paris, France&#046; The previous meetings have played a leading role in facilitating interaction between researchers in medical and biological imaging&#046; The 2008 meeting will continue the tradition of fostering cross&#8211;fertilization between different imaging communities and contributing to an integrative imaging approach across all scales of observation&#046;<br>ISBI is a joint initiative of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)&#046; The 2008 meeting will feature an opening morning of tutorials and short courses, followed by a strong scientific program of plenary talks and special sessions as well as oral and poster presentations of peer&#8211;reviewed contributed papers <b>Keywords:</b> image formation and reconstruction<br>computational and statistical image processing and analysis<br>dynamic imaging<br>visualization<br>image quality assessment<br>physical, biological and statistical modeling