St. LouisMO
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The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) is a leading, single&#8211;track, annual forum that brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent advances in sensor network research and applications&#046; The conference covers both theoretical and experimental research, as it pertains to sensor networks, in a broad range of disciplines including signal and image processing, information and coding theory, databases and information management, distributed algorithms, networks and protocols, wireless communications, machine learning, and embedded systems design&#046;<br>The conference features two interleaved tracks, the Information Processing (IP) track, and the Sensor Platforms, Tools and Design Methods (SPOTS) track, with two separate program committees to evaluate their submissions&#046; Authors should carefully review the intended foci of these two tracks to decide which track is better suited for their work, and they are encouraged to contact the cognizant program chairs with questions or clarifications&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> • Applications of sensor networks • Coding, compression and information theory • Data processing, storage and management • Detection, classification, estimation, tracking • Distributed algorithms and reasoning • Distributed and collaborative signal processing • Fault tolerance • Location and time services • Operating systems • Network health monitoring • Network protocols for sensor networks • Programming models and languages • Real&#8211;time scheduling • Security • Sensor tasking, control, and actuation