St. LouisMO
United States
Deadline Paper
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RTAS 2008 will be co&#8211;located in St&#046; Louis, MO, USA, with the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN&#8242;08) and the International Conference on Hybrid Systems (HSCC&#8242;08) as part of the inaugural Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems Week (CPSWEEK) during April 22&#8211;24, 2008&#046;<br>RTAS 2008 seeks papers describing signicant contributions both to the state of the art and the state of the practice in the broad eld of embedded and open real&#8211;time systems and computing&#046; The scope of RTAS 2008 consists of the traditional core area of real&#8211;time and embedded systems infrastructure and theory, as well as three additional areas of special emphasis: embedded applications; development, verification, and debug tools for real&#8211;time and embedded systems; and embedded systems hardware/software interaction/co&#8211;design&#046; Each of these fours area is described in more detail below&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Core Area&#046; Real&#8211;time and Embedded Systems<br>Area A&#046; Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Applications / Benchmarks<br>Area B&#046; Development, Verification, and Debug Tools for Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Systems<br>Area C&#046; Embedded Systems Hardware/Software Interaction/Co&#8211;Design<br>