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Data mining is an important tool in science, engineering, industrial processes, healthcare, business, and medicine&#046; The datasets in these fields are large, complex, and often noisy&#046; Extracting knowledge requires the use of sophisticated, high&#8211;performance and principled analysis techniques and algorithms, based on sound theoretical and statistical foundations&#046; These techniques in turn require powerful visualization technologies; implementations that must be carefully tuned for performance; software systems that are usable by scientists, engineers, and physicians as well as researchers; and infrastructures that support them&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Methods and Algorithms<br>Classification; Clustering; Frequent Pattern Mining; Probabilistic and Statistical Methods; Spatial and Temporal Mining ; Data Stream Mining ; Abnormality and Outlier Detection; Feature Selection / Feature Extraction; Dimension Reduction; Data Reduction; Mining with Constraints; Data Cleaning and Noise Reduction ; Computational Learning Theory; Multi&#8211;Task Learning; Adaptive Algorithms ; Scalable and High&#8211;Performance Mining; Mining Graphs ; Mining Semistructured Data; Mining Complex Datasets; Mining on Emerging Architectures; Text and Web Mining;<br>Applications<br>Astronomy & Astrophysics; High Energy Physics; Collaborative Filtering; Earth Science; Risk Management; Supply Chain Management; Customer Relationship Management; Finance; Genomics and Bioinformatics; Drug Discovery; Healthcare Management; Automation & Process Control; Logistics Management; Intrusion and Fraud detection; Intelligence Analysis; Biosurveillance; Sensor Network Applications; Social Network Analysis; Application Case Studies; Other Novel Applications;<br>Human Factors and Social Issues<br>Ethics of Data Mining; Intellectual Ownership; Privacy Models; Privacy Preservation Techniques; Risk Analysis; User Interfaces; Interestingness and Relevance; Data and Result Visualization