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WICSA 2008 is the seventh international conference devoted entirely to Software Architecture&#046; Its purpose is to bring together software engineering practitioners and researchers from industry and academia to exchange experiences, results and ideas related to all aspects of software architecture&#046; Its mission is to strengthen and expand its role as the premier conference on architectural issues in software system design, development and maintenance, practitioners as well as academics&#046;<br>This site will be regularly updated to bring you further details about the program, travel, accommodation and other news as information becomes available&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * Software Architecture Modeling and Analysis Methods and Tools * State&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;Art and State&#8211;of&#8211;Practice in Software Architecture * Software Architecture Support for Software Qualities * Relationship of Enterprise, System and Software Architecture * Architectural Patterns and Styles (including particularly SOA) * Architecture Description Languages and Model Driven Architecture * Industrial Case Studies * Software Architecture of very large, very small or newly emerging types of systems * Software Architecture Discovery and Recovery * Roles and Responsibilities of the Software Architect * Software Architecture for Legacy Systems and Systems Integration * Product&#8211;Line Architectures * Cultural, Economical and Managerial Aspects of Software Architecture * Training, Education, and Certification of Software Architects