<font color=″#41140a″ face=″Georgia″>The <strong>3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2008)</strong> will be held <strong>March 12–14, 2008</strong> at the <strong>Le Méridien Hotel, St. Julians, Malta</strong>. Its purpose is to be a forum for technical exchange amongst scientists having interests in Communications, Control and Signal Processing. The technical program will include plenary lectures, regular technical sessions, and special sessions covering the three major tracks. Proceedings of the Symposium will be published on CD–ROM through IEEE and electronically via IEEE Xplore.<br></font> <b>Keywords:</b> <font><li>Digital Communications </li><li>Space–Time Coding </li><li>OFDM and CDMA </li><li>Mobile and Wireless Communications </li><li>Networks and QOS </li><li>Image Processing </li><li>DSP For Communications </li><li>Video and Multimedia Signal Processing </li><li>Communications Receivers </li><li>Signal Processing and Applications </li><li>Biomedical Signal and Image Processing </li><li>Speech and Audio </li><li>Adaptive and Non–Adaptive Filtering and Implementations Applications </li><li>Electrical Machines and Drives </li><li>Control design methods </li><li>Discrete and Hybrid systems </li><li>Control Applications </li><li>Nonlinear Control and Applications </li><li>Power Systems </li><li>Control System Modeling and Identificati</li></font>
St. Julians
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date