St. Julians
Deadline Paper
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<font color=&#8243;#41140a&#8243; face=&#8243;Georgia&#8243;>The <strong>3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2008)</strong> will be held <strong>March 12–14, 2008</strong> at the <strong>Le Méridien Hotel, St&#046; Julians, Malta</strong>&#046; Its purpose is to be a forum for technical exchange amongst scientists having interests in Communications, Control and Signal Processing&#046; The technical program will include plenary lectures, regular technical sessions, and special sessions covering the three major tracks&#046; Proceedings of the Symposium will be published on CD&#8211;ROM through IEEE and electronically via IEEE Xplore&#046;<br></font> <b>Keywords:</b> <font><li>Digital Communications </li><li>Space&#8211;Time Coding </li><li>OFDM and CDMA </li><li>Mobile and Wireless Communications </li><li>Networks and QOS </li><li>Image Processing </li><li>DSP For Communications </li><li>Video and Multimedia Signal Processing </li><li>Communications Receivers </li><li>Signal Processing and Applications </li><li>Biomedical Signal and Image Processing </li><li>Speech and Audio </li><li>Adaptive and Non&#8211;Adaptive Filtering and Implementations Applications </li><li>Electrical Machines and Drives </li><li>Control design methods </li><li>Discrete and Hybrid systems </li><li>Control Applications </li><li>Nonlinear Control and Applications </li><li>Power Systems </li><li>Control System Modeling and Identificati</li></font>