The Embedded Masterclass
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Telelogic (I&#8211;Logix) and LDRA invite you to a complimentary hands&#8211;on technology workshop which focuses on best practices in model&#8211;driven development and testing&#046; In this workshop you will discover first hand how to build an embedded application using Model&#8211;Driven Development (MDD) and the Unified Modeling Language (UML)&#046; Furthermore, you will then test the application incorporating the latest testing technologies&#046;<br><b>Keywords:</b> * Developing a clear, validated, architectural and behavioural description using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) * Automating Design, Code and Quality Reviews * Fast generation of production quality C and C++ Code from the UML model * Determine standards compliance (eg: MISRA C / MISRA&#8211;C:2004 and DO&#8211;178B) with Static and Dynamic Analysis * Automated Unit Testing * Requirements&#8211;based validation through execution of the model * Rapid error correction with bidirectional link to the UML model