CANDE, the acronym for Computer–Aided Network DEsign, from the days when a ″network″ was another word for a ″circuit″, is the oldest continuing workshop in EDA. The CANDE workshop was born out of an invitational group sponsored by Don Peterson of U.C. Berkeley as a means to create communication lines between designers and university research in the days<BR>before EDA vendors. CANDE is a technical committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, a technical committee of CEDA, and is a sponsor of the Design Automation Conference (DAC) and the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD).<BR><B>Keywords:</B> simulation, modeling, macro–modeling, high level description languages, synthesis, place and route,<BR>verification,MEMS, multi–chip modules, impact of the internet on EDA, ultra–low power design and battery technology
Long Beach
United States
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