<P class=Default style=″MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″COLOR: windowtext; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–fareast–font–family: 宋体″>the International Conference on Planarization/CMP Technology ICPT <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = ″urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:smarttags″ /><st1:chmetcnv w:st=″on″ TCSC=″0″ NumberType=″1″ Negative=″False″ HasSpace=″True″ SourceValue=″2007″ UnitName=″in″>2007 in</st1:chmetcnv> <st1:place w:st=″on″><st1:City w:st=″on″>Dresden</st1:City>, <st1:country–region w:st=″on″>Germany</st1:country–region></st1:place>, is organized by the German CMP User Group within the German VDE/VDI–Society Microelectronics, Micro– and Precision Engineering. The mission of this conference is the provision of a forum for the worldwide CMP community for exchange and discussion on a high scientific level in order to support and advance the developments of this highly important field of semiconductor manufacturing.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = ″urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:office″ /></SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT–ALIGN: left; mso–layout–grid–align: none″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–SIZE: 12pt; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–font–kerning: 0pt″> </SPAN></P><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Copper/low–k CMP processes and control <LI>CMP process integration issues and reliability <LI>CMP defects <LI>CMP consumables (pads, slurries) <LI>CMP modelling, simulation and theory <LI>Metrology, characterization and test <LI>Advances in ECD/ECP/ECMP processes and tools <LI>CMP in emerging technologies <LI>Dielectric/STi CMP processes and control <LI>Corrosion control during CMP process <LI>Post CMP cleaning <LI>CMP equipment and metrology <LI>Chemical and physical mechanisms of CMP <LI>Advanced CMP process control techniques <LI>Low–shear CMP</LI></UL>
Deadline Paper
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