<P>The Sixth International Requirements Engineering for High–Assurance Systems Workshop (RHAS 2007 – Delhi) is a one–day workshop that addresses the special challenges of engineering the requirements of software–intensive systems, the performance and dependability (i.e., defensibility and soundness) of which are mission critical. For such systems, it is thus critically important that requirements engineers collaborate with specialty engineers to properly engineer both:<BR>– Performance Requirements (e.g., hard real–time requirements for jitter, latency, response time, schedulability, and throughput)<BR>– Dependability Requirements (e.g., availability, correctness, predictability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, stability,<BR>and survivability requirements)</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> – Turning soft goals into hard requirements<BR>– Practical ways to quantify, verify, and validate performance and dependability requirements<BR>– Relationships between high assurance requirements and other kinds of requirements<BR>– Making engineering trade–offs between competing quality requirements<BR>– Appropriate tools and techniques for the elicitation, analysis, specification, evaluation, reuse, and management of these critical<BR>requirements for high–assurance systems<BR>– The proper role of formal requirements specification when engineering high–assurance systems<BR>– The relationship between system and software requirements including how to properly derive critical software quality requirements when engineering high–assurance requirements<BR></P>
Deadline Paper
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