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<P>The Sixth International Requirements Engineering for High&#8211;Assurance Systems Workshop (RHAS 2007 &#8211; Delhi) is a one&#8211;day workshop that addresses the special challenges of engineering the requirements of software&#8211;intensive systems, the performance and dependability (i&#046;e&#046;, defensibility and soundness) of which are mission critical&#046; For such systems, it is thus critically important that requirements engineers collaborate with specialty engineers to properly engineer both:<BR>&#8211; Performance Requirements (e&#046;g&#046;, hard real&#8211;time requirements for jitter, latency, response time, schedulability, and throughput)<BR>&#8211; Dependability Requirements (e&#046;g&#046;, availability, correctness, predictability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, stability,<BR>and survivability requirements)</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> &#8211; Turning soft goals into hard requirements<BR>&#8211; Practical ways to quantify, verify, and validate performance and dependability requirements<BR>&#8211; Relationships between high assurance requirements and other kinds of requirements<BR>&#8211; Making engineering trade&#8211;offs between competing quality requirements<BR>&#8211; Appropriate tools and techniques for the elicitation, analysis, specification, evaluation, reuse, and management of these critical<BR>requirements for high&#8211;assurance systems<BR>&#8211; The proper role of formal requirements specification when engineering high&#8211;assurance systems<BR>&#8211; The relationship between system and software requirements including how to properly derive critical software quality requirements when engineering high&#8211;assurance requirements<BR></P>