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<P class=MsoNormal style=&#8243;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: left; mso&#8211;pagination: widow&#8211;orphan&#8243; align=left><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US>The International Packet Video Workshop is devoted to presenting technological advancements and innovations in multimedia data transmission over packet networks, in particular, the Internet and wireless networks&#046; This workshop provides a unique venue for people from the video or multimedia coding and networking fields to meet, interact and exchange ideas&#046; Its charter is to promote the research and development in emerging video streaming and multimedia networking solutions&#046; Presentations on theory and practice, standards activities, and applications are encouraged&#046;</SPAN></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 9pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Times; mso&#8211;font&#8211;kerning: 0pt&#8243;> <P class=MsoNormal style=&#8243;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: left; mso&#8211;pagination: widow&#8211;orphan&#8243; align=left><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US><FONT face=&#8243;Times New Roman&#8243; size=3>• Video streaming over Internet<BR>• Media streaming over wireless networks<BR>• Rate and congestion control for multimedia streams<BR>• Error resilient video coding and transport<BR>• Network adaptive media coding and transport<BR>• Media&#8211;adaptive communications<BR>• Multi&#8211;terminal media communications<BR>• Inter&#8211;stream synchronization<BR>• Cross&#8211;layer streaming optimization<BR>• Digital rights management<BR>• Scalable coding and delivery<BR>• Error concealment and post&#8211;processing<BR>• Performance modeling and evaluation for packet media networks<BR>• Video over mesh&#8211;networks<BR>• Network coding for multimedia communications<BR>• Standard issues: MPEG&#8211;x, H&#046;264, H,323, RTP, RTSO, SIP, AVS, etc</FONT></SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style=&#8243;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: left; mso&#8211;pagination: widow&#8211;orphan&#8243; align=left></SPAN></P>