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<P>The new IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST) offers an open forum for software testing, verification and validation research and its transfer to practice&#046; One of the main goals of ICST is to bridge research and practice in software testing, verification, and validation&#046; Furthermore, it aims at stimulating scientific research on model&#8211;based software testing, domain specific testing, empirical studies of testing techniques, and the technology transfer of research results to software development practices&#046; The charter of ICST specifies rules ensuring the transparent, democratic, and open management of the conference&#046; </P> <B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Software testing theory and practice <LI>Model&#8211;based testing <LI>Domain specific testing including, but not limited to, security testing, web services testing, database testing, and OO software testing <LI>Verification &amp; validation <LI>Quality assurance <LI>Model checking <LI>Empirical studies <LI>Metrics <LI>Inspections <LI>Tools <LI>Testability and diagnosability <LI>Design for testability <LI>Testing education <LI>Testing in multidisciplinary applications <LI>Embedded software <LI>Technology transfer <LI>Model&#8211;Driven Engineering <LI>Novel approaches to software reliability assessment </LI></UL>