<P>The new IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST) offers an open forum for software testing, verification and validation research and its transfer to practice. One of the main goals of ICST is to bridge research and practice in software testing, verification, and validation. Furthermore, it aims at stimulating scientific research on model–based software testing, domain specific testing, empirical studies of testing techniques, and the technology transfer of research results to software development practices. The charter of ICST specifies rules ensuring the transparent, democratic, and open management of the conference. </P> <B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Software testing theory and practice <LI>Model–based testing <LI>Domain specific testing including, but not limited to, security testing, web services testing, database testing, and OO software testing <LI>Verification & validation <LI>Quality assurance <LI>Model checking <LI>Empirical studies <LI>Metrics <LI>Inspections <LI>Tools <LI>Testability and diagnosability <LI>Design for testability <LI>Testing education <LI>Testing in multidisciplinary applications <LI>Embedded software <LI>Technology transfer <LI>Model–Driven Engineering <LI>Novel approaches to software reliability assessment </LI></UL>
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