San Antonio
United States
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<P><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: windowtext; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;>The </SPAN><FONT color=#0000ff><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;WEIGHT: normal; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;>2<SUP>nd</SUP> IEEE Multi&#8211;conference on Systems and Control (MSC)</SPAN></FONT><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: windowtext; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;>, to be held at the Hilton Palacio del Rio in San Antonio, Texas, September 3&#8211;5, 2008, gathers up three of the major international conferences promoted by the IEEE Control Systems Society</SPAN></P> <P><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: windowtext; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;></SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B> &#9679; Aerospace and automotive systems &#9679; Agricultural systems &#9679; Biomedical and chemical processes &#9679; Biological and pharmaceutical processes &#9679; Discrete event systems &#9679; Distributed intelligent networked systems &#9679; Fault diagnosis &#9679; Fault tolerant control &#9679; Fuzzy and neural control, Petri nets &#9679; Hybrid systems &#9679; Integrated control and supervision &#9679; Marine systems &#9679; Mathematical modeling &#9679; Mechanical systems and robotics &#9679; Mechatronic systems &#9679; Metal processing &#9679; Mining systems &#9679; Power systems &#9679; Predictive and adaptive control &#9679; Robust control &#9679; System identification &#9679; Telecommunications &#9679; Transportation systems &#9679; Vehicular and traffic control &#9679; AI and expert systems, distributed intelligence &#9679; Biological learning control systems &#9679; Distributed/decentralized intelligent control &#9679; Distributed or decentralized control methods &#9679; Distributed and embedded systems, large scale systems &#9679; Embedded intelligent control &#9679; Hybrid dynamical systems control, pattern discovery &#9679; Intelligent control of networked dynamic systems &#9679; Intelligent control of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks &#9679; Machine learning &#9679; Multiagent based planning, control and intelligence &#9679; Next generation intelligent control architectures and methods &#9679; Neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms &#9679; Probabilistic approaches, knowledgebased sensor fusion &#9679; Swarm intelligence, learning and control</P>