<P>The National Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw together with <A href=″http://www.ait.edu.gr/″>Athens Information Technology</A>, and the <A href=″http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r8/poland/leos/″>IEEE/LEOS Poland Chapter</A> are pleased to announce the <B>10<SUP>th</SUP> Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2008</B> which will be kindly hosted in Athens Information Technology (AIT) premises, 19.5 km Markopoulo Ave., GR – 19002 Peania, Athens. </P><B>Keywords:</B> <TABLE class=tab cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=″100%″ border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top> <UL> <LI>Digital All–Optical Networks <LI>Ultra–dense Wavelength–Division Multiplexing <LI>Ultra–fast Optical Time Domain Multiplexing <LI>Next Generation Networking <LI><B>Optical switching & routing (WAOR)</B> <LI>Optical Packet Networks & Services <LI>Optical memories and data storage <LI>Quality of Service issues <LI>Optical transparency & network scalability <LI><B>Network reliability & availability (RONEXT)</B> <LI><B>Wireless & Optical Networking (GOWN)</B> <LI>Radio–over–fibre transmission <LI>Analogue transmission systems <LI>Broadband metro and access networks <LI><B>Industry and Standardisation</B> <!––<LI>Chromatic Dispersion compensation</LI> <LI>Wavelength conversion</LI> <LI>Optical transparency & network scalability</LI> <LI>Optical amplifiers</LI>––></LI></UL></TD> <TD> <UL> <LI><B>Photonic Band–Gap structures (ESPC)</B> <LI>Photonic crystal fibres <LI>Nonlinear & active PBG devices <LI><B>Nanoscale & ultrafast photonics (NAON)</B> <LI>VCSELs and other novel light sources <LI><B>Microresonators & Photonic Molecules </B> <LI>New fibre types, Plastic fibres <LI>Novel glasses <LI>New transmission windows <LI>Polarisation Mode Dispersion <LI><B>Photonic component integration (PICAW)</B> <LI>Modelling of optical systems and components <LI>Network planning and design tools <LI>Non–conventional optical communications <LI>Other relevant topic <!––<LI>Next Generation Networking</LI> <LI><B>Graphs & Algorithms in networking (GRAAL)</B></LI>––></LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Deadline Paper
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