Honolulu, HI
United States
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It is my great pleasure to announce this meeting, the 62nd consecutive Frequency Control Symposium, one of the leading international technical conferences for research, development, and applications of frequency control&#046; The 2008 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS) will offer attendees and exhibitors a unique opportunity to interrelate both technically and socially&#046; <B>Keywords:</B> Group 1 Materials, Filters &amp; Resonators<BR>A&#046; Material Synthesis and Properties<BR>B&#046; Theory and Design of Resonators and Filters&#8211;<BR>BAW, SAW, FBAR, MEMS, NEMS and others<BR>Group 2 Oscillators, Synthesizers, &amp; Noise<BR>A&#046; Oscillators &#8211; BAW and SAW<BR>B&#046; Oscillators &#8211; Microwave to Optical<BR>C&#046; Synthesizers and Other Circuitry<BR>D&#046; Noise, Aging, and Environmental Effects<BR>E&#046; Measurements and Specifications<BR>F&#046; Timing Error in Digital Systems and Applications<BR>Group 3 Timekeeping, Optical &amp; Microwave Atomic Standards<BR>A&#046; Optical Atomic Standards and Frequency Combs<BR>B&#046; Microwave Atomic Frequency Standards<BR>C&#046; Atomic Clocks for Space Applications<BR>D&#046; TAI and Time Scales<BR>E&#046; Frequency and Time Transfer and Synchronization<BR>F&#046; Fundamental Physics, Fundamental Constants, &amp; Other Applicat ions<BR>Group 4 Sensors &amp; Transducers<BR>A&#046; Resonant Chemical Sensors<BR>B&#046; Resonant Physical Sensors<BR>C&#046; BAW, SAW, FBAR, and MEMS Sensors<BR>D&#046; Transducers<BR>E&#046; Sensor Instrumentation and Wireless Sensors