Model–Driven Architecture (MDA) is an initiative proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) for platform–generic software development. It promotes the use of models in the specification, design, analysis, synthesis, deployment, and evolution of complex software systems.<BR><BR>ECMDA is dedicated to furthering the state of knowledge and fostering the industrialisation of the MDA methodology. Its focus is on engaging the key key figures of European research and industry in a dialogue which will result in a stronger, more efficient industry, producing more reliable software on the basis of state–of–the–art research results. The 2008 conference is organised in two tracks of interest dealing with the foundations and applications of MDA. Experience Reports on MDA tools and their applications are welcomed. There will be additional workshops, tools and poster exhibitions on these subjects.<BR><BR><B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Metamodelling – foundations and tools <LI>Model Transformation – languages and tools <LI>Reasoning about Models <LI>Model Navigation <LI>Model Synchronization and Consistency <LI>Modeling of Requirements, Architectures, Platforms <LI>Reverse Engineering <LI>Modeling for Testing and Validation <LI>Model Execution and Simulation <LI>Modeling of Service Qualities and of Security <LI>Aspect Modeling <LI>Software Process Modelling, Enactment and Execution</LI></UL>
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