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Model&#8211;Driven Architecture (MDA) is an initiative proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) for platform&#8211;generic software development&#046; It promotes the use of models in the specification, design, analysis, synthesis, deployment, and evolution of complex software systems&#046;<BR><BR>ECMDA is dedicated to furthering the state of knowledge and fostering the industrialisation of the MDA methodology&#046; Its focus is on engaging the key key figures of European research and industry in a dialogue which will result in a stronger, more efficient industry, producing more reliable software on the basis of state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research results&#046; The 2008 conference is organised in two tracks of interest dealing with the foundations and applications of MDA&#046; Experience Reports on MDA tools and their applications are welcomed&#046; There will be additional workshops, tools and poster exhibitions on these subjects&#046;<BR><BR><B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Metamodelling – foundations and tools <LI>Model Transformation – languages and tools <LI>Reasoning about Models <LI>Model Navigation <LI>Model Synchronization and Consistency <LI>Modeling of Requirements, Architectures, Platforms <LI>Reverse Engineering <LI>Modeling for Testing and Validation <LI>Model Execution and Simulation <LI>Modeling of Service Qualities and of Security <LI>Aspect Modeling <LI>Software Process Modelling, Enactment and Execution</LI></UL>