<P>Today, access to radio spectrum is largely based on the principle of fixed resource allocation. With the proliferation of wireless applications/services in the last couple of decades, in many countries, most of the available spectrum has been allocated. This results in the radio spectrum scarcity which poses a serious problem for the future development of the wireless communications industry. On the other hand, careful studies of the usage pattern reveal that most of the allocated spectrum experiences low utilization. This motivates the concept of dynamic spectrum access via cognitive radio technologies, which allows secondary networks to use unused or under–utilized radio spectrum from primary licensed networks. </P><B>Keywords:</B> <P><STRONG>Policy and Economics Track:</STRONG><BR> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style=″WIDTH: 45%″> <UL> <LI>Regulation for Cognitive Radio <LI>Business model for dynamic spectrum access <LI>Market trend for secondary spectrum usage </LI></UL></TD> <TD style=″WIDTH: 45%″> <UL> <LI>Industrial role for dynamic spectrum access <LI>Trust and security mechanisms <LI>Game theory for dynamic spectrum access </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P> <P><STRONG>Technology Track:</STRONG><BR> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style=″WIDTH: 45%″> <UL> <LI>New architecture and platform for cognitive radio <LI>Spectrum sensing mechanism and protocol support <LI>Efficient and multi–resolution channel sensing algorithms <LI>Multiple access scheme for cognitive radio <LI>Synchronization and channel estimation for cognitive radio <LI>Radio resource management and dynamic spectrum sharing <LI>Cross–layer cognitive algorithms </LI></UL></TD> <TD style=″WIDTH: 45%″> <UL> <LI>Bio and AI–inspired algorithms <LI>Wireless network co–existence <LI>Ultra–Wideband cognitive radio system <LI>Beamforming and MIMO for interference avoidance <LI>Anti–jamming channel coding <LI>QoS provisioning and MAC protocols <LI>Interference metric modeling <LI>Self–organizing mesh networks and autonomic communications </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
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