ISGIG ′08 is focused on two broad areas of challenge in securing enterprises in a pervasively connected world; cross–border and cross–organisiation domain issues. The resolution of conflict and development of synergy between these issues will be a defining factor in the success of personal, enterprise and EU wide information security. <BR> <B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Resilient and dependable cross–border infrastructures <UL> <LI>Resilient security, alert & threat sharing infrastructures (CIP & CIIP) <LI>Trust infrastructures for federation of individuals and businesses <LI>Identity assurance infrastructures <LI>Specialized National (control, monitoring, etc.) Internets </LI></UL> <LI>Open security standards, architectures and policies <UL> <LI>Interoperability, Information Exchange (alert, threat, incident etc.) <LI>Dependability and Trust <LI>Security Incident Detection, Reaction and Recovery (CERTs, CSIRTs, WARPs etc.) <LI>Degrees of Openness: Public vs. Selective “Institutional” </LI></UL> <LI>Cross–border identity management <UL> <LI>Models for identity establishment, verification and assurance <LI>Mechanisms: Biometrics, Identity Cards, etc. </LI></UL> <LI>Cross–border security management <UL> <LI>Managed Security Services <LI>EU boundary IT and ICT security <LI>Secure mobility & mobile working <LI>Embedded and wireless (Pervasive) computing and services <LI>Functional mapping of security models and mechanisms </LI></UL> <LI>Security and Privacy Policy <LI>Legislative framework, IT and ICT governance and incentives <UL> <LI>The role of government and related organizations <LI>Regulatory Compliance: Theory and Practice <LI>IT and ICT Governance <LI>Certification and Evaluation <LI>IT outsourcing framework </LI></UL></LI></UL>
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