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The IEEE APCCAS 2008, the 9th of the biennial Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, will be held in Macao, China, with a location at the central point of Macao, where prestigious UNESCO World Heritages are nearby&#046; The APCCAS is a major international forum established by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society for scholars, scientists, educators, students and engineers to exchange their latest findings in circuits and systems&#046;<BR>The IEEE APCCAS 2008 will include regular oral and poster sessions; tutorials given by leading experts; and special sessions, with the aim of complementing the regular program with topics of particular interest to the circuits and systems community&#046; <B>Keywords:</B> &#9830; Analog Signal Processing<BR>&#9830; Biomedical Circuits and Systems<BR>&#9830; Blind Signal Processing<BR>&#9830; Cellular Neural Networks and Array Computing<BR>&#9830; Circuits and Systems for Communications<BR>&#9830; Computer&#8211;Aided Network Design<BR>&#9830; Digital Signal Processing<BR>&#9830; Life&#8211;Science Systems and Applications<BR>&#9830; Multimedia Systems and Applications<BR>&#9830; Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems<BR>&#9830; Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<BR>&#9830; Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits<BR>&#9830; Sensory Systems<BR>&#9830; Visual Signal Processing and Communications<BR>&#9830; VLSI Systems and Applications