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<P>This annual international conference is a forum for professionals involved in performance evaluation of computer and telecommunication systems&#046; Performance evaluation of computer systems and networks has progressed rapidly in the past decade and has begun to approach maturity&#046; Significant progress has been made in analytic modeling, simulation, and measurement approaches for performance evaluation of computer and telecommunication systems&#046;</P> <B>Keywords:</B> <H3>Networking and Telecommunication Systems</H3> <UL> <LI>Internet Technology <UL> <LI>Quality of Service (QoS) <LI>DiffServ/IntServ <LI>MPLS/GMPLS <LI>TCP <LI>World Wide Web (WWW) Technology </LI></UL> <LI>Networking Techniques <UL> <LI>Unicast and Multicast Routing <LI>Congestion and Admission Control <LI>Switching Techniques <LI>Tele&#8211;traffic <LI>Network Protocols <LI>Network Management and Control <LI>Network Capacity Planning <LI>Network Architecture Evaluation <LI>Service and QoS Pricing <LI>Security and Authentication </LI></UL></LI></UL> <UL> <LI>Broadband Networks <UL> <LI>High&#8211;Speed Networking <LI>Optical Networks </LI></UL> <LI>Wireless Systems and Networks <UL> <LI>Satellite Systems <LI>UMTS <LI>Mobile Networks/Computing <LI>Ad&#8211;hoc Networks <LI>Sensor Networks </LI></UL> <LI>Multimedia Communications and Applications </LI></UL> <H3>Computer Systems</H3> <UL> <LI>Distributed Architecture <UL> <LI>Client/Server <LI>Distributed Systems and Agents <LI>Parallel and Distributed Computing <LI>Massively Parallel Systems <LI>Cluster Computing <LI>Grid Computing <LI>Interconnection Networks </LI></UL> <LI>Computer Architectures <UL> <LI>Microprocessors/Microcomputers <LI>Memory Systems <LI>High Performance I/O <LI>Real&#8211;time Systems <LI>Scheduling Schemes </LI></UL></LI></UL> <UL> <LI>Software <UL> <LI>Software Performance, Evaluation and Testing <LI>Parallel Algorithms and Languages </LI></UL> <LI>Electronic Commerce <LI>Hardware and Software Monitors <LI>High&#8211;Performance Computing <LI>Information Assurance <LI>Reconfigurable Computing <LI>Scientific Computing Algorithms <LI>Workload and Traffic Characterization </LI></UL> <H3>Tools, Methodologies and Applications</H3> <UL> <LI>Parallel and Distributed Simulation <LI>Verification and Validation <LI>Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applications <LI>Performance Optimization, Bounds, and Models <LI>Queuing Systems and Networks </LI></UL> <UL> <LI>Scalability Studies <LI>Integrated Modeling and Measurement <LI>On&#8211;Line Performance Adaptation and Tuning <LI>Process Algebra&#8211;Based Models <LI>Mathematical Aspects and Integrated Design of Performance <LI>Case Studies </LI></UL>