Miami, FL
United States
Deadline Paper
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Increasingly large and complex parallel, distributed and network&#8211;centric computing systems provide unique challenges to the researchers in dependable computing, especially because of the high failure rates intrinsic to these systems&#046; The goal of this workshop in continuation of the FTPDS (Fault&#8211;Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems) workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss all aspects of dependability including reliability, availability, safety and security for parallel, distributed and network&#8211;centric systems&#046; All aspects of design, theory and realization are of interest&#046;<B>Keywords:</B> <UL style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 40px&#8243;> <LI>Dependable parallel, distributed and network&#8211;centric systems</LI> <LI>High availability in parallel, distributed and network&#8211;centric computing systems</LI> <LI>Safety and security in distributed and network&#8211;centric computing systems</LI> <LI>Autonomic network computing</LI> <LI>Dependable high&#8211;speed wide, local, and system area networks</LI> <LI>Dependable mobile computing</LI> <LI>Dependable clusters of workstations and PCs</LI> <LI>Dependable internet servers</LI> <LI>Dependability in distributed embedded systems</LI> <LI>Using COTS for designing dependable network&#8211;centric computing systems</LI> <LI>Dependable protocols for distributed and network&#8211;centric systems</LI> <LI>Protocol verification and validation</LI> <LI>Practical experiences and prototypes</LI> <LI>Dependability evaluation of parallel, distributed and network&#8211;centric systems</LI> <LI>Dependable quantum computing</LI> <LI>Dependable organic computing</LI> <LI>Dependable biocomputing</LI></UL>