United States
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<P><FONT size=4>The International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real&#8211;Time Systems is a forum for the presentation and discussion of approaches, research findings, and experiences in the area of parallel and distributed real&#8211;time systems&#046; The ultimate goal is to envision new trends and ideas about theoretical and practical aspects of designing, implementing, and evaluating future real&#8211;time system platforms for next generation of computing applications&#046; Both research and development of relevant technologies are of interest, as well as the applications built using such technologies&#046; This year one&#8211;day workshop will feature special and invited sessions that highlight industry&#8211;related advances and challenges in real&#8211;time systems&#046;</FONT></P> <P> <B>Keywords:</B> </P> <UL> <LI><FONT size=4>Adaptive and reflective real&#8211;time systems</FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Applications, benchmarks, and tools </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Multi&#8211;platform solutions and runtime platforms interworking </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>OS support and integration between runtime platforms and native OS</FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Architectures and hardware/software co&#8211;design </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Distributed real&#8211;time and embedded middleware </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Fault&#8211;tolerance, security, and robustness </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Real&#8211;time operating systems </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Real&#8211;time and embedded databases </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Soft real&#8211;time and mixed&#8211;critical systems </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Algorithms and Applications </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>QoS based resource management and real&#8211;time scheduling </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Programming languages and environments </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Specification, modeling, and analysis of real&#8211;time systems </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Real&#8211;time communication protocols and architecture </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Formal Methods for Distributed Real&#8211;time Systems </FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size=4>Certification of Real&#8211;time Systems </FONT></LI></UL>