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<P>The European Wireless (EW) conference has a long successful history dating back to 1995&#046; EW2008 will be held in Prague, Czech Republic&#046; The event is organized by the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague&#046; EW2008 is the opportunity for researchers, academia and industry to present and discuss recent advances in wireless communications&#046; The event will include tutorials, panels, technical sessions, and plenary talks&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <H4>Transmission Techniques and Signal Processing</H4> <DIV style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 40px&#8243;>Modulation and Coding for Wireless Communications<BR>Signal Processing for Wireless Communications<BR>Synchronization, Channel Estimation, Equalization<BR>Iterative Detection and Processing<BR>MIMO Systems, Space&#8211;Time Coding, Diversity<BR>Fundamental Limits, Information Theory<BR>Multiple Access Schemes, Multiuser Detection Algorithms<BR>Interference Mitigation and Management Techniques<BR>Network Coding and Cooperative Diversity and Processing<BR>Adaptive Systems<BR>OFDM and OFDMA<BR></DIV> <H4>Radio Channel and RF Subsystem</H4> <DIV style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 40px&#8243;>Radio Channel Measurements<BR>Radio Channel Modeling<BR>Antenna Issues in Wireless Communications<BR>Smart Antennas and MIMO systems<BR>Compact Antennas for Mobile Terminals<BR>Modeling and Mitigation of RF System Imperfections<BR></DIV> <H4>Radio Network Aspects</H4> <DIV style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 40px&#8243;>Ad&#8211;hoc Wireless Networks<BR>Transport Layer Issues in Mobile and Wireless Networks<BR>Protocols and Architecture for Wireless Networks<BR>Radio Resource Management<BR>Mobility Management and Billing Technologies<BR>QoS and Resource Allocation in Mobile Networks<BR>Security and Robustness in Wireless Networks<BR>Mobile/Wireless Networks Modeling and Simulation<BR></DIV> <H4>Radio Communication Systems and Technology</H4> <DIV style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 40px&#8243;>Ultra&#8211;Wideband Communications<BR>Software Radio &amp; Re&#8211;configurability, Cognitive Radio<BR>Cross&#8211;layer Design in Mobile and Wireless Networks<BR>Power Management for Small Terminals<BR>2G &#8211; 3G &#8211; 4G Migration, Convergence and Interworking<BR>WiFi, WiMAX, 3GPP LTE<BR>Wireless LAN/PAN/BAN<BR>Location&#8211;based Services and Positioning<BR>High Altitude Platforms and Satellites<BR>Wireless Broadband Mobile Access<BR></DIV> <P></P> <TABLE class=tab cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=&#8243;100%&#8243; border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>