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<SPAN class=T6>This symposium brings together academia, government, and industry to explore all aspects of identity and trust&#046; Previously known as the PKI R&amp;D Workshop (2002&#8211;2007), our new name reflects interest in a broader set of tools and the goal of an identity layer for the Internet&#046; We aim to get practitioners in different sectors together to apply the lessons of real&#8211;world deployments to the latest research and ideas on the horizon&#046; In addition to peer&#8211;reviewed papers, we facilitate discussions among panels of invited experts and symposium participants&#046;</SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Reports of real&#8211;world experience with the use and deployment of identity and trust applications for broad use on the Internet (where the population of users is diverse) and within enterprises who use the Internet (where the population of users may be more limited), how best to integrate such usage into legacy systems, and future research directions&#046; Reports may include use cases, business case scenarios, requirements, best practices, implementation and interoperability reports, usage experience, etc&#046;</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Identity management protocols (SAML, Liberty, CardSpace, OpenID, and PKI&#8211;related protocols)</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Identity metasystems, frameworks, and systems (Shibboleth, Higgins, etc&#046;)</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>User&#8211;centric identity, delegation, reputation</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Identity and Web 2&#046;0, secure mash&#8211;ups, social networking, trust fabric and mechanisms of “invited networks”</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Identity management of devices from RFID tags to cell phones; Host Identity Protocol (HIP)</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Federated approaches to trust</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Trust management across security domains</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Standards related to identity and trust, including X&#046;509, SPKI/SDSI, PGP, S/MIME, XKMS, XACML, XRML, and XML signatures</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Intersection of policy&#8211;based systems, identity, and trust; identity and trust policy enforcement, policy and attribute mapping and standardization</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Attribute management, attribute&#8211;based access control</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Trust path building and certificate validation in open and closed environments</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Improved usability of identity and trust systems for users and administrators, including usability design for authorization and policy management, naming, signing, verification, encryption, use of multiple private keys, and selective disclosure</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Identity and privacy</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P10 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P10 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;>Levels of trust and assurance </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Trust infrastructure issues of scalability, performance, adoption, discovery, and interoperability</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI class=P10 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P10 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;>Use of PKI in emerging technologies (e&#046;g&#046;, sensor networks) </P> <LI class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0cm&#8243;> <P class=P9 style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 0&#046;25cm&#8243;><SPAN class=T7><FONT color=#231f20>Application domain requirements: web services, grid technologies, document signatures, (including signature validity over time), data privacy, etc</FONT></SPAN></P></LI>