Cape Town
South Africa
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<SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 11px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 16px; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;Verdana&#8242;, &#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;>The International Conference on e&#8211;Learning (ICEL&#8211;2008) invites researchers, practitioners and academics to present their research findings, work in progress, case studies and conceptual advances in areas of work where education and technology intersect&#046; The conference brings together varied groups of people with different perspectives, experiences and knowledge in one location&#046; It aims to help practitioners find ways of putting research into practice and researchers to gain an understanding of real&#8211;world problems, needs and aspirations&#046; <BR></SPAN></SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B> <DIV class=&#8243;paragraph Free_Form&#8243; style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0px; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING&#8211;BOTTOM: 0pt; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 16px; TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: justify&#8243;><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 13px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 15px; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;ArialMT&#8242;, &#8242;Arial&#8242;, &#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;><SPAN class=tinyText></SPAN></SPAN><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 13px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 15px; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;ArialMT&#8242;, &#8242;Arial&#8242;, &#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;> <P class=MsoNormal style=&#8243;TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: justify&#8243;><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial; mso&#8211;bidi&#8211;font&#8211;family: Tahoma&#8243;>e&#8211;Learning design; usability; evaluation; content development; authoring tools, LCMSS, and LMSS; communities of practice; instructional design; e&#8211;Learning technology and standards; discussion forums; mobile learning; podcasting; societal and cultural issues in e&#8211;Learning; online and computer aided assessments; knowledge management; absolute and relative boundaries of e&#8211;Lessons; content management;<SPAN style=&#8243;mso&#8211;spacerun: yes&#8243;> </SPAN>simulations and virtual learning environments; asynchronous interaction; structural representation of e&#8211;Lessons; Learner characteristics; e&#8211;Learning portals; course development strategies; new e&#8211;Learning methodologies; uses of multimedia in e&#8211;Learning; marketing and promoting e&#8211;Learning; successful web&#8211;based innovative exemplars; student access, diversity, expectation, involvement, motivation and retention; e&#8211;Learning adoption; e&#8211;Learning implementation; cognitive styles; e&#8211;Learning to support communities and individuals; research barriers: use of open&#8211;source; blended learning approaches; retention strategies; asynchronous text&#8211;based conferencing; e&#8211;Learning attrition; social benefits of e&#8211;Learning; socio&#8211;technical systems; Inter&#8211;Institutional education program cooperation; new partnerships to deliver e&#8211;Learning; e&#8211;universities and other computer&#8211;enabled systems in learning and teaching; widening student participation; </SPAN><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;>e&#8211;Learning ROI; in&#8211;house training, human resource development using e&#8211;learning at the company; satellite campus issues; faculty development; university management using ICT; the use of social networks to support learning; Web 2&#046;0 technologies being used in the classroom; universities and Internet society; e&#8211;Learning in 50 or 100 years; innovation in the e&#8211;Learning Context; digital learning; other/specialist e&#8211;Learning topics&#046;<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P></SPAN></P></SPAN></DIV>