Deadline Paper
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<FONT size=3><FONT color=#000000><SPAN lang=FR style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: rgb(20,80,0); FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial&#8243;>As an IEEE CS conference, CIT has become a major platform for researchers and industry practitioners from different fields of computer and information technology&#046; Each year, CIT attendees appreciate and benefit from multidisciplinary exchanges in computer and information technology&#046; In previous years, CIT has attracted many high quality research papers spanning over the various aspects of information technology, computing science and computer engineering&#046; These papers highlight foundational work that strives to push beyond limits of existing computer technologies, including experimental efforts, innovative systems, and investigations that identify weaknesses in existing IT services&#046; </SPAN><BR><B>Keywords:</B> </FONT></FONT> <LI>Database and Data Mining <LI>Internet and Web Applications <LI>High Performance Computing <LI>Networking and Mobile Computing <LI>Multimedia Systems <LI>Computer Graphics and Information Visualization <LI>IT in Biomedicine <LI>Visual Analysis <LI>Information Systems <LI>Image Processing <LI>Information Security <LI>Embedded Systems <LI>Software Engineering <LI>Ubiquitous and Sensor Network <LI>Service Oriented Computing <LI>VLSI and Design Methodology <LI>Video Surveillance</LI>