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Center (BICC), Beijing, China, from November 2&#8211;5, 2008&#046; This will be the first time that the IUS will take place in China&#046; Beijing is the capital of China and has a long history and a great culture&#046; It will also host the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, which will be held in August and September, 2008&#046; After the Olympics, Beijing will have decorated city streets, improved infrastructure, cleaner environment, and greatly increased hotel capacity&#046; The 2008 IUS will take advantage of this historic opportunity to offer conference attendees and their guests not only an excellent technical program, but also an opportunity to explore the rich culture and visit tourist attractions of Beijing and the rest of China&#046; The BICC is located within the Olympic Complex&#046;<BR><B>Keywords:</B> <P>Group 1: Medical Ultrasonics<BR>MBB Medical Beamforming and Beam Steering MBE Biological Effects &amp; Dosimetry<BR>MBF Blood Flow Measurement<BR>MCA Contrast Agents<BR>MEL Elastography<BR>MIM Medical Imaging<BR>MSP Medical Signal Processing<BR>MTC Medical Tissue Characterization<BR>MTH Therapeutics, Hyperthermia, Ultrasound in<BR>Surgery<BR>Group 2: Sensors, NDE &amp; Industrial Applications<BR>NAM Acoustic Microscopy<BR>NAI Acoustic Imaging<BR>NAS Acoustic Sensors<BR>NDE General NDE Methods<BR>NFM Flow Measurement<BR>NMC Material &amp; Defect Characterization<BR>NPM Wave Propagation<BR>NSP Signal Processing<BR>NTD Transducers: NDE and Industrial<BR>Group 3: Physical Acoustics<BR>PBW Bulk Wave Effects &amp; Devices<BR>PGP General Physical Acoustics<BR>PMI Magnetic/Electromagnetic Interactions<BR>POI Optical Interactions<BR>PUM Ultrasonic Motors &amp; Actuators<BR>PTF Thin Films<BR>Group 4: Microacoustics – SAW, FBAR, MEMS<BR>MMP Materials &amp; Propagation<BR>MDM Device Modeling<BR>MDD Device Design<BR>MDA Device Applications<BR>Group 5: Transducers &amp; Transducer Materials<BR>TMC Transducers: Materials Characterization and Fabrication Technology<BR>TPF Transducers: Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials<BR>TMO Transducer Modeling (Analytical &amp; Numerical)<BR>TMT Medical Transducers<BR>TMU Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers</P>