Stony Brook
United States
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<P>ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium 2008 (SPM&#8242;08) will be held on June 2&#8211;4, 2008, in Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA&#046; ACM SPM&#8242;08 is co&#8211;sponsored by ACM and IEEE (pending), and in cooperation with SIAM&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <SPAN class=Text></P> <LI class=style57>Geometric and topological representations of solids <LI class=style57>Model acquisition, editing, compression, and transmission <LI class=style57>Multi&#8211;resolution models of geometry and topology <LI class=style57>Curves and surfaces <LI class=style57>Heterogeneous models of physical objects and properties <LI class=style57>Computational geometry and applications <LI class=style57>Geometric computation and processing <LI class=style57>Physics&#8211;based modeling and design <LI class=style57>Shape modeling, synthesis, analysis, and visualization <LI class=style57>Reverse engineering, model reconstruction from samples <LI class=style57>Dimensioning, tolerancing, and constraints <LI class=style57>Conceptual design and multi&#8211;disciplinary optimization <LI class=style57>Product data exchange, standards, and interoperability <LI class=style57>Haptic interfaces and user interaction in 3D design <LI class=style57>Collaborative and distributed design <LI class=style57>Virtual environments and prototypes <LI class=style57>Design and simulation of flexible components <LI class=style57>Product and assembly modeling <LI class=style57>New prototyping and manufacturing technologies <LI class=style57>Biomedical and imaging applications <LI class=style57>Geo&#8211;scientific applications <LI class=style57>Digital entertainment applications <LI class=style57>Static or dynamic geometry <LI class=style57>Simulation, animation, and interactive techniques</LI></SPAN>