<P>ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium 2008 (SPM′08) will be held on June 2–4, 2008, in Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA. ACM SPM′08 is co–sponsored by ACM and IEEE (pending), and in cooperation with SIAM.</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <SPAN class=Text></P> <LI class=style57>Geometric and topological representations of solids <LI class=style57>Model acquisition, editing, compression, and transmission <LI class=style57>Multi–resolution models of geometry and topology <LI class=style57>Curves and surfaces <LI class=style57>Heterogeneous models of physical objects and properties <LI class=style57>Computational geometry and applications <LI class=style57>Geometric computation and processing <LI class=style57>Physics–based modeling and design <LI class=style57>Shape modeling, synthesis, analysis, and visualization <LI class=style57>Reverse engineering, model reconstruction from samples <LI class=style57>Dimensioning, tolerancing, and constraints <LI class=style57>Conceptual design and multi–disciplinary optimization <LI class=style57>Product data exchange, standards, and interoperability <LI class=style57>Haptic interfaces and user interaction in 3D design <LI class=style57>Collaborative and distributed design <LI class=style57>Virtual environments and prototypes <LI class=style57>Design and simulation of flexible components <LI class=style57>Product and assembly modeling <LI class=style57>New prototyping and manufacturing technologies <LI class=style57>Biomedical and imaging applications <LI class=style57>Geo–scientific applications <LI class=style57>Digital entertainment applications <LI class=style57>Static or dynamic geometry <LI class=style57>Simulation, animation, and interactive techniques</LI></SPAN>
Stony Brook
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date