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The 2nd IEEE Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE 2008), sponsored by IEEE CS and IFIP, will be held in Nanjing, China June 2008&#046; Large scale software systems and Internet are of growing concern to academia and industry&#046; This poses new challenges to the various aspects of software engineering, for instance, the reliability of software development, web&#8211;oriented software architecture and aspect &amp; object&#8211;orientation techniques&#046; As a result, new concepts and methodologies are required to enhance the development of software engineering from theoretical aspects&#046; TASE 2008 is a forum for researchers from academia, industry and government to present ideas, results, and ongoing research on theoretical advances in software engineering&#046;<BR><BR><B>Keywords:</B> <BR> <TABLE class=contenttable borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=&#8243;33%&#8243;> <P class=bodytext> <OL> <UL> <LI>Requirements Engineering <LI>Specification and Validation <LI>Software Testing <LI>Component&#8211;based Development <LI>Model Checking for Software <LI>Software Processes and Workflows <LI>Software Frameworks and MiddlewareSoftware Architectures and Design </LI></UL><BR> <P></P></OL></TD> <TD width=&#8243;33%&#8243;> <P class=bodytext> <OL> <UL> <LI>Software safety and reliability <LI>Reverse Engineering and Software Maintenance <LI>Aspect and Objected –orientation Techniques <LI>Embedded and Real&#8211;time Software <LI>Service&#8211;oriented Computing and Web Services </LI></UL><BR> <P></P></OL></TD> <TD width=&#8243;34%&#8243;> <P class=bodytext> <OL> <UL> <LI>Model&#8211;driven Development <LI>Coordination and Feature Interaction <LI>Parallel and Distributed Computing <LI>Logics of Programs <LI>Program Analysis <LI>Semantics and Design of Programming Languages <LI>Type Theory </LI></UL><BR></OL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>