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<P align=justify><FONT face=Verdana>The 10<SUP>th</SUP> International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications will be held at the Hotel Savoia Regency, Bologna, Italy, from Monday, 25 August, through Thursday, 28 August, 2008&#046; ISSSTA 2008 will focus on the latest advances in wideband technologies, spread spectrum techniques, OFDM, MIMO, and Ultra Wideband (UWB), for both communications and navigation&#046; </FONT></P><B>Keywords:</B> <P><STRONG>Theory</STRONG> </P> <UL> <LI>Information theoretic aspects of wideband communications <LI> <DIV>Network information theory</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Advances in coding techniques</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Joint source and channel coding</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Secure communications and encryption</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Sequence design and optimization</DIV> <LI> <DIV>DS, TH, FH and hybrid concepts</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Chaotic sequences and communications</DIV> <LI> <DIV>UWB communications</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Multidimensional modulation</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Multicarrier CDMA and OFDM </DIV> <LI> <DIV>Pre&#8211;coding and beam forming</DIV> <LI> <DIV>MIMO &amp; diversity techniques</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Wideband channel modeling</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Signal processing for wideband receivers</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Code acquisition and tracking</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Synchronization and channel estimation</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Adaptive equalization and combining</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Iterative receivers</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Multi&#8211;user detection</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Interference cancellation and mitigation</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Resource management, power control</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Cross&#8211;layer techniques</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Cognitive, flexible, and software radio</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Cooperative techniques and networks</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Opportunism in wireless networks</DIV></LI></UL><STRONG>Applications</STRONG> <UL> <LI> <DIV>Beyond 3G, LTE and 4G networks</DIV> <LI> <DIV align=left>Wireless networks (BAN, PAN, WLAN, MAN, WiMAX)</DIV> <LI> <DIV>OFDM, CDMA, UWB system concepts</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Multimedia broadcasting</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Ad&#8211;hoc networks</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Wireless sensor networks</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Optical SS</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Satel<STRONG> </STRONG>lite and deep space communications</DIV> <LI> <DIV align=left>Navigation (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, terrestrial&#8211;based)</DIV> <LI> <DIV>Remote sensing, radar, and sonar</DIV></LI></UL>