<P>The sixth ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA–08) will be held in Doha, the capital of Qatar in April 2008. AICCSA is the premier Computer Science and Engineering Conference in the Middle East and North Africa. Authors are invited to submit papers describing new advances in computer systems and their applications. </P><B>Keywords:</B> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Algorithms and Bioinformatics</EM>:</STRONG> Algorithm analysis; Complexity; Combinatorial algorithms; Geometric algorithms; String algorithms; Numerical algorithms; Applications of algorithms; Data structures; Genomics; Phylogenetics; Systems biology; Structural bioinformatics</P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Computer Systems and Architecture</EM>:</STRONG> Computer Systems, Computer Arithmetic, Grid Computing, Embedded Systems, Digital Signal Processing, VLSI Systems, Fault–Tolerant Computing, Digital Systems Testing, Computer Aided Design Tools, Performance</P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Databases and Data Mining:</EM></STRONG> Distributed, parallel, P2P and mobile data management, Web Data Management, Mining Data, Middleware, Stream processing and sensor DB’s,, Semi–structured data and XML, Applications, Data Integration, Interoperability, and Metadata, Data semantics</P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Networking and Multimedia</EM></STRONG>: Wireless Networks; 3G/4G Networks; Wireless Sensor Networks; Optical Networks; Autonomic Networks; Reliability and Survivability; Network Dimensioning; Network Performance; Multimedia Support; Quality of Service. </P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Parallel and Distributed Systems</EM></STRONG>: Multi–core and multiprocessor architectures, Parallel programming models, Programming environments and tools, Parallelizing compilers, Distributed systems, Parallel embedded systems, Parallel and distributed algorithms, Distributed data management, Resource management and allocations, Distributed operating systems.</P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Pattern Recognition and Image Processing</EM></STRONG>: Statistical, Syntactical and Hybrid Methods, Feature Extraction and Selection, Classification, Clustering, Object, Speech, Signal and Biometrics Recognition. Image Enhancement, Segmentation, Color, Texture and Motion Analysis, Compression and Coding, Watermarking, Tracking; Real–time Imaging, Retrieval </P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Security and Information Assurance:</EM></STRONG> Security Protocols, Anonymity and Privacy, Electronic Voting, Access Control, Digital Rights Management, Intrusion Detection, Trust Management, Security for Mobile Computing, Database Security, Executable Contents, Formal Methods for Security, Cryptography.</P> <P align=justify><STRONG><EM>Software Systems and Applications</EM>:</STRONG> Software Design and Development, Model–Driven Development, Fault Tolerant Software Systems, Web–based Software Engineering, Cooperative Work Support, Applications, Formal Methods, Verification, Validation, Testing, Performance.</P>
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