<P><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–ansi–language: EN–GB; mso–bidi–font–size: 10.0pt″>It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this <B style=″mso–bidi–font–weight: normal″>4<SUP>th</SUP> IEEE Tutorial and Research Workshop on <I><SPAN style=″mso–bidi–font–weight: bold″>PERCEPTION AND INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SPEECH–BASED SYSTEMS (PIT08)</SPAN></I></B>, which will be held at the <SPAN class=SpellE>Kloster</SPAN> <SPAN class=SpellE>Irsee</SPAN> in southern <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = ″urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:smarttags″ /><st1:place w:st=″on″><st1:country–region w:st=″on″>Germany</st1:country–region></st1:place> from June 16 to June 18, 2008. </SPAN><B style=″mso–bidi–font–weight: normal″><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″COLOR: red; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–ansi–language: EN–GB″><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = ″urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:office″ /></SPAN></B></P> <P class=StandardWeb1><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–ansi–language: EN–GB; mso–bidi–font–size: 10.0pt″>The workshop focuses on <I style=″mso–bidi–font–style: normal″>advanced speech–based human–computer</I> interaction where various contextual factors are modelled and taken into account when users communicate with computers. This includes mechanisms, architectures, design issues, applications, evaluation and tools. Prototype and product demonstrations will be very welcome. </SPAN></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> – Speech recognition and semantic analysis</P> <P>– Dialogue management models</P> <P>– Adaptive dialogue modelling</P> <P>– Recognition of emotions from speech, gestures, facial expressions and physiological data</P> <P>– User modelling</P> <P>– Planning and reasoning capabilities for coordination and conflict description</P> <P>– Conflict resolution in complex multi–level decisions</P> <P>– Multi–modality such as graphics, gesture and speech for input and output</P> <P>– Fusion and information management</P> <P>– Computer–supported collaborative work</P> <P>– Attention selection and guidance</P> <P>– Learning and adaptability</P> <P>– Visual processing and recognition for advanced human–computer interaction</P> <P>– Databases and corpora</P> <P>– Psychophysiological evaluation and usability analysis</P> <P>– Evaluation strategies and paradigms</P> <P>– Prototypes and products</P>
Kloster Irsee
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date