<P><FONT face=Arial>The Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop will be held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN at the </FONT><A onclick=″MM_openBrWindow(′http://www.jics.utk.edu/′,′jics′,̸…;)″ href=″http://www.ioc.ornl.gov/csiirw/body.html#″><F… face=Arial color=#000000>Joint Institute for Computational Sciences</FONT></A><FONT color=#990000><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#000000>, Building 5100 on May 12–14, 2008</FONT>.</FONT></FONT></P> <P> <B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P><FONT face=″Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif″>√ Better precision in understanding existing and emerging vulernabilities and threats.<BR><BR>√ Advances in insider threat detection, deterrence, mitigation and elimination.<BR><BR>√ Game–changing ventures, innovations and conundrums (e.g., quantum computing, QKD, phishing, malware market, botnet/DOS)</FONT></P> <P><FONT face=″Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif″>√ Assuring security, survivability and dependability of our critical infrastructures.<BR><BR>√ Assuring the availability of time–critical scalably secure systems, information provenance and security with privacy.<BR><BR>√ Observable/ measurable/ certifiable security claims, rather than hypothesized causes.</FONT></P> <P><FONT face=″Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif″>√ Methods that enable us to specify security requirements, formulate security claims, and certify security properties.</FONT></P> <P><FONT face=″Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif″>√ Assurance against known and unknown (though perhaps pre–modeled) threats.</FONT></P> <P><FONT face=″Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif″>√ Mission fulfillment, whether or not security violations have taken place (rather than chasing all violations indiscriminately).</FONT></P>
Oak Ridge
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date