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<SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;Arial&#8242;,&#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;>The 12th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling &#8211; ONDM 2008 &#8211; will be held in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalonia, Spain, on March 12&#8211;14, 2008&#046;<BR><BR><FONT size=2>ONDM is a major European conference focusing on the area of optical networking&#046; The main conference topics indeed range almost all relevant areas in optical networking and communications&#046; From many years the ONDM conference is a meeting point for people coming from the leading industry and from the research and academic side willing to spread and update their knowledge in the conference technical areas&#046; Co&#8211;located with the main conference, other meetings, invited speakers sessions, workshops and events will be placed either simultaneously or in the nearest days&#046;</FONT><BR></SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B> <P><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;Arial&#8242;,&#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;>• Optical network performance modelling<BR>• Optical network planning and design<BR>• Network reconfiguration and restoration techniques<BR>• Novel architectures for waveleng throuters (optical nodes)<BR>• Multi&#8211;layer design of optical networks<BR>• Self&#8211;healing SDH loops<BR>• Optical integrated circuits<BR>• Applications for all&#8211;optical network infrastructures<BR>• WDM inter&#8211;working with IP networks<BR>• GMPLS optical switching nodes<BR>• Optical network management<BR>• Signalling for all&#8211;optical networks<BR>• Measurement, monitoring and supervision techniques<BR>• Optical network performance monitoring<BR>• Optical multicasting<BR>• Call admission control and QoSawareness in optical networks<BR>• Routing and wavelength assignment algorithms<BR>• Photonic&#8211;based end&#8211;to&#8211;end communication protocols<BR>• Optical data networking<BR>• Optical packet/burst switching(OBS/OPS)<BR>• Optical Time Division Multiplexing(OTDM) systems<BR>• Soliton&#8211;based networks<BR>• Access networks designs and protocols&#046;<BR>• Metro/access interface &#8211; architectures technologies and protocols enabling transparency<BR>• MAC protocols for optical LANs and MANs<BR>• High speed optical LANs and gigabit Ethernet<BR>• All&#8211;optical access networks<BR>• Evolution of metro networks: technical, economic and migration studies<BR>• Field trials and experiments<BR>• Optical interfaces and optical terminals<BR>• Inter&#8211;working between optical and wireless networks<BR>• Optical architectures for grid applications<BR>• Modelling and design methodologies for optical grid networks<BR>• Standardization and economic comparisons<FONT size=2></FONT></SPAN></P>