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<P class=texto>NGI 2008 focuses on the design, engineering, and operation of Next Generation Internet networks&#046; It is organized by the Network of Excellence (NoE) <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;eurongi&#046;org/&#8243;><FONT color=#b5142f>Euro&#8211;FGI</FONT></A> that was initiated by the European Commission during the 6<SUP>th</SUP> framework program and will be continued in the next funding period&#046; NGI serves as its main platform for interaction, dissemination, and collaboration&#046; To stimulate discussions, NGI 2008 invites scientists and practitioners from industry and academia, and especially welcomes contributions from outside Euro&#8211;FGI&#046; To guarantee the high visibility of the conference, the proceedings will be available through IEEE Xplore&#046; </P><B>Keywords:</B> <STRONG> <TABLE style=&#8243;TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: left&#8243;> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top><SPAN class=cfp><STRONG><FONT color=#b5142f>Applications and Services</FONT></STRONG></SPAN> <UL class=texto> <LI>Applications for wireless sensor networks <LI>Grid computing <LI>Location&#8211;based and context&#8211;aware services <LI>Network co&#8211;operation <LI>Overlay networks and peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer </LI></UL><SPAN class=cfp><STRONG><FONT color=#b5142f>Optical Networks</FONT></STRONG></SPAN> <UL class=texto> <LI>Multi&#8211;layer networks <LI>Routing &amp; wavelength assignment <LI>Traffic grooming and traffic engineering <LI>Transport Ethernet, PON, WDM </LI></UL><SPAN class=cfp><STRONG><FONT color=#b5142f>Wireless Networks</FONT></STRONG></SPAN> <UL class=texto> <LI>Ad hoc and sensor networks <LI>Cellular networks <LI>Cross&#8211;layer design <LI>Integration of fixed and mobile networks <LI>WiFi and WiMax </LI></UL></TD> <TD vAlign=top><SPAN class=cfp><STRONG><FONT color=#b5142f>Network Architecture</FONT></STRONG></SPAN> <UL class=texto> <LI>Access, regional, metropolitan, and core networks <LI>Future Internet <LI>Inter&#8211;domain issues <LI>Network design, provisioning, and optimization <LI>Network management and control <LI>Network survivability and resilience <LI>Routing: unicast, multicast, anycast <LI>Security architectures and mechanisms <LI>Testbeds and experimental evaluations </LI></UL><SPAN class=cfp><STRONG><FONT color=#b5142f>Traffic Engineering</FONT></STRONG></SPAN> <UL class=texto> <LI>Admission and congestion control <LI>Performance evaluation of next generation networks <LI>Quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) <LI>Service differentiation and multi&#8211;service support <LI>Traffic measurement &amp; modelling </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></STRONG>