<DIV style=″TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><FONT face=Verdana> <P>Med–Hoc–Net 2008 is the major annual international workshop aiming to serve as a platform for researchers and visionaries from academia, research labs, and industry from all over the world. Sharing ideas, views, results, and experiences in the field of wireless multi–hop networking is what Med–Hoc–Net 2008 intends to be about. Anything from theoretical and experimental achievements, to innovative ad hoc systems, prototyping efforts, and case studies is of interest to the Med–Hoc–Net community.</P></FONT></DIV><!–– <table style=″text–align: left; margin–left: auto; margin–right: auto;″ border=″0″> <tbody> <tr><td colspan=″9″><h3>ICCS 2006 is endorsed by</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.siam.org″> <img style=″width: 156px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/siam.gif″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/escience/″> <img style=″width: 158px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/e–ScieneLtBlueSml.jpg″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.research.rutgers.edu/~imacs/″> <img style=″width: 90px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/IMACSLOGO.jpg″></a></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan=″9″><h3>ICCS 2006 is organised by</h3></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.iccs2006.reading.ac.uk/″> <img alt=″″ src=″img/reading–logo.gif″ style=″width: 240px; height: 40px; border: 0px solid;″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.english.uva.nl″> <img style=″width: 168px; height: 66px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/uvalo2.gif″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.utk.edu/″> <img style=″width: 125px; height: 36px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/logo–ut.gif″></a></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=″3″ rowspan=″1″ style=″vertical–align: top;″> <hr> <table border=″0″ cellpadding=″2″ cellspacing=″2″ width=″720″> <tbody> <tr> <td style=″vertical–align: top;″ class=″foot″>Web: Milena Zajac, Zofia Mosurska, Piotr Wendykier, Dick van Albada (dick at science.uva.nl) and Mike Lankamp<br></td> <td style=″vertical–align: top; text–align: right;″ class=″foot″>Last updated: August 23, 2005</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ––><STRONG>Keywords: </STRONG> <LI>Novel multi–hop wireless network architectures <LI>Routing algorithms and protocols <LI>MAC protocols, scheduling, power control and radio resource sharing <LI>Transport layer protocols for multi–hop networks <LI>Middleware for ad hoc networks <LI>Application driven architectures and protocols <LI>Sensor network applications and protocols <LI>Vehicular networks <LI>Integration of ad hoc networks with wireless access networks <LI>Implementations, testbeds, and prototypes <LI>Technology related issues (IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, ZigBee, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.20, etc.) <LI>Self organization and network reconfiguration <LI>Optimization models and algorithms <LI>Resource and service discovery <LI>Call admission and traffic shaping policies for ad–hoc networks <LI>Use of advanced antenna technologies (MIMO, beam forming, etc.) <LI>QoS support <LI>Security and privacy </LI>
Palma de Mallorca
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