<P align=justify><FONT face=Arial>The workshop considers state–of–the–art research papers as well as papers on ongoing work with promising preliminary results. Positional and in–depth review papers are also considered. Furthermore, the workshop covers additional topics compared to IC–SAMOS that are complementary to processing and necessary to build embedded systems, e.g., sensor systems. The workshop proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series.</FONT></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P>* digital, analog, mixed–signal designs and test<BR>* RF design and test<BR>* design–for–testability and built–in self test methodologies<BR>* reconfigurable system design<BR>* high–level synthesis<BR>* EDA tools for design, testing and verification<BR>* low power design methodologies<BR>* network and system on–a–chip<BR>* application–specific SoCs<BR>* specification languages: SystemC, SystemVerilog and UML<BR>* all areas of modelling, simulation and verification<BR>* formal methods and formalisms (e.g. process algebras, petri–nets, automaton theory and BDDs)<BR>* real–time, hybrid and embedded systems<BR>* software engineering (including real–time Java, real–time UML and performance metrics)<BR></P>
Crete Island
Deadline Paper
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End Date