Crete Island
Deadline Paper
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End Date

<P align=justify><FONT face=Arial>The workshop considers state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research papers as well as papers on ongoing work with promising preliminary results&#046; Positional and in&#8211;depth review papers are also considered&#046; Furthermore, the workshop covers additional topics compared to IC&#8211;SAMOS that are complementary to processing and necessary to build embedded systems, e&#046;g&#046;, sensor systems&#046; The workshop proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series&#046;</FONT></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P>* digital, analog, mixed&#8211;signal designs and test<BR>* RF design and test<BR>* design&#8211;for&#8211;testability and built&#8211;in self test methodologies<BR>* reconfigurable system design<BR>* high&#8211;level synthesis<BR>* EDA tools for design, testing and verification<BR>* low power design methodologies<BR>* network and system on&#8211;a&#8211;chip<BR>* application&#8211;specific SoCs<BR>* specification languages: SystemC, SystemVerilog and UML<BR>* all areas of modelling, simulation and verification<BR>* formal methods and formalisms (e&#046;g&#046; process algebras, petri&#8211;nets, automaton theory and BDDs)<BR>* real&#8211;time, hybrid and embedded systems<BR>* software engineering (including real&#8211;time Java, real&#8211;time UML and performance metrics)<BR></P>